====== About ITRSS ====== ===== About ITRSS ===== In July 2021, the IT Research Support Solutions team was formed at the University of Missouri – Columbia to diminish technology related barriers faced by researchers across the UM System in their daily work. As a part of the university’s MizzouForward initiative, the IT RSS team plays an integral role in the work being done to enhance MU’s research and education missions. Traditionally, IT resources have only focused on solving business needs and now our technologists are helping move the needle to ensure researchers can go further, faster. Our team prioritizes the development of the next generation of computing resources and is working to implement solutions to improve the research data ecosystem (storage, data management) and to provide a team of experts to help in-person with practical researcher IT needs. This includes assisting researchers with getting the necessary tools and equipment when standard processes don’t fit. This means expanding our team in ways we haven’t traditionally done in the past. We now have capacity for technologists to serve as Data Architects, HPC System Administrators, as well as members of the X-Team in order to break the boundaries of research technology in a way that enhances service to researchers. If you’re facing an IT challenge that affects your research productivity or you have an opportunity where IT can help it soar, contact us. **IT RSS can help with the following:** Access, training, software configuration, consultation and troubleshooting related to high-performance computing. Selection, setup and use of storage and data management resources. Specialized system support for research-focused devices. Specialty computing purchases, including servers, high-powered desktops, equipment, instruments and software. Partnership and advocacy with researchers to expedite the acquisition of IT resources. Research security consulting. Consultation, access and support for computing resources with restrictive requirements like the National Institute of Standards and Technology’s security requirements that protect controlled unclassified information in nonfederal systems and organizations. To learn more about IT RSS training opportunities, join the Research Support Solutions (RSS) Community on Microsoft Teams. **Please contact muitrss@missouri.edu for general inquiries. The RSS leadership team can be reached at itrssleadership@missouri.edu.** ===Our Leadership Team=== Mark Bookout – Director, MU and Missouri S&T Matthew Keeler – Associate Director of Advanced Computing Environment MU Jenn Nixon – Senior IT Manager in Research Missouri S&T